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GCP Billing Kill Switch

Since hyperscalers do not support an automated way to stop billing, this repo aims to provide a way to spin up such a feature using Terraform and GCP´s native services - to avoid waking up to an exceptionally high bill because you forgot to turn off a GCE instance...

The way it works is quite simple. GCP offers a service called "budgets", which can send mails or publish to a Pub/Sub topic once a defined threshold is reached. This mechanism is used to trigger a Cloud Function that will disable the project´s billing account.

Disclamer: Disabling billing on a project may result in data loss. The account can be manually reactivated but Google does not guarantee that all services remain in place. -- cf. Google Cloud, Disable billing for a project


Simply reference the GitHub release as a Terraform module and provide the required input parameters.

module "kill-switch" {
  source = ""

  project_id      = var.project_id
  region          = var.region
  billing_account = var.billing_account
  storage_bucket  =

Note that the storage bucket should already exist and that the account deploying the resources has to have the following additioal roles besides the ones required to actually deploy a cloud function:

  • roles/billing.admin (to be granted on billing account level, not project)
  • roles/security.admin (project level)


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
google >= 4.57.0


Name Version
archive 2.3.0
google 4.61.0


No modules.


Name Type
google_billing_account_iam_member.admin resource
google_billing_budget.default resource
google_cloudfunctions2_function.function resource
google_pubsub_topic.budget_topic resource
google_service_account.cloud_function_sa resource
google_storage_bucket_object.object resource
archive_file.archive_cloud_function data source
google_billing_account.account data source


Name Description Type Default Required
billing_account ID of the billing account to attach the budget to string n/a yes
budget Max. monthly budget number 15 no
currency Currency to be used for the budget string "EUR" no
functions_sa_email Email of a pre-defined service account with roles/billing.admin permission. Defaults to: null string null no
project_id n/a string n/a yes
region Region to create resources in string n/a yes
storage_bucket Name of the storage bucket where the central cloud function will be placed string n/a yes


Name Description
billing_budget_id ID of the created billing budget
cloud_function_id ID of the cloud function managing the billing account